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Ordine degli Architetti di Pisa: https://www.ordinearchitettipisa.it/

Ordine degli Ingegneri di Pisa: https://www.ordineingegneripisa.it/

Comune di Pisa: http://www.comune.pisa.it/it/home

USL Toscana Nord Ovest: http://www.uslnordovest.toscana.it/



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Preparing students for the practice of building engineering and architecture....

Programm Profile

Engineering in Pisa boasts a centennial tradition....

Why in Pisa?

Mandatory selective/competitive entrance examination

Admission requirements

The course combines theoretical lessons with the organization of workshops and seminars...

What will I study?

Graduates will be able to demonstrate knowledges and abilities...

Key Learning Outcomes

Occupational Profiles of Graduates

Once I've got Degree...